How to Check Xiaomi Codenames: List of All Xiaomi Phones Codename


How to Check Xiaomi Codenames: List of All Xiaomi Phones Codename

Codenames on any smartphone give the on-step identity to the particular phones of a company. So, due to this, every smartphone company used to give the codename to their smartphones for easy identification. Here on Xiaomi phones, too, we can find the codenames (Xiaomi Phones Codenames). On each Xiaomi Phone (MI, Redmi, POCO, & tabs), we can find unique codenames, which make it easy for the developers to make any changes and troubleshoot. So, here we are with the guide on how to check Xiaomi’s codename.

Searching for How do I find my Xiaomi Code Name (Check Xiaomi Codenames)? If yes, then don’t worry. Here, we have prepared a long, complete list of all Xiaomi phones with their codenames. Codenames are used to identify each device internally. Basically, the codenames are given on the basis of some flower names, famous watch companies, or even mythological names; just like the Poco X3 Pro (India), it is coded with the code name Bhima (a character of Mahabharata).

What is the use of Xiaomi Codnemas?

So, the question is, why do we need to know our phone codenames? The simple answer is to identify it internally. The prime reason for the codename is to identify the devices in any aspect. Xiaomi used to launch some phones with the same name with some internal changes, like the POCO X3 Pro in India as well as the Global variants. So, in this case, although both devices are the same, there’s a difference in Software configuration. So, it’s important to know. If not, then if you flash the POCO X3 Pro Global ROM to your POCO X3 Pro India ROM, your phone may not support it or may die.

So, why is it important to know it? So, if you are going to update the software manually from the recovery file, then you must be sure you have followed the code name of that file rather than the device name. 

It means that for your POCO X3 PRO (Indian ROM, codename: bhima), you need to download and apply the POCO X3 PRO recovery ROM with codename: bhimarather than codename: vayu. Codename vayu is for POCO X3 PRO Global Variant.

Names Collections on Xiaomi Codenames

Xiaomi has collected the codenames for these smartphones based on different sources. They tried to give a more regional and close name to the region of the phone they used to launch. Here, they have used these major name variants,

Watch Brands Name: Like Tissot and Mido.

Mythological: Like bhima and vayu.

Flower Name: Like rosemary and begonia.

Constellations: Like grus and Cepheus.

How to Check Xiaomi Codenames

It’s easy to find the codenames of each Xiaomi phone. Whether you are an MI, Redmi, or POCO user, here we have prepared a list of all the complete Xiaomi Codenames for you. Now, based on your phone, you can search and find the codenames here.

Here, I have included all Xiaomi phone Codenames. More than 400+ devices are included in this list. There are around 199 Xiaomi MI Phones, 66 Redmi Number Series, 83 Redmi Note Series, 30 Redmi K Series 36 POCO Phones

Tip: Feeling bored with this long list? Just tap on the Options icon in your browser and then tap on the Find in Page option. Just search your device name, and you will see the search results. 

Xiaomi MI Codenames [Xiaomi MI Phones]

Mi 1mione
Mi 1 Youthmione
Mi 1Smione_plus
Mi 1S Youthmione_plus
Mi 2aries
Mi 2Saries
Mi 2Ataurus
Mi 3cancro
Mi 3 TDpisces
Mi 4cancro
Mi 4iferrari
Mi 4clibra
Mi 4Saqua
Mi 5gemini
Mi 5 Primegemini
Mi 5scapricorn
Mi 5s Plusnatrium
Mi 5cmeri
Mi 5Xtiffany
Mi 6sagit
Mi 6Xwayne
Mi 8dipper
Mi 8 SEsirius
Mi 8 Explorerursa
Mi A2 Litedaisy
Mi 8 Liteplatina
Mi 8 Proequuleus
Mi 9cepheus
Mi 9 SEgrus
Mi 9 Transparentcepheus
Mi 9Tdavinci
Mi CC9pyxis
Mi CC9elaurus
Mi A3laurel
Mi 9T Proraphael
Mi 9 Litepyxis
Mi 9 Pro 5Gcrux
Mi CC9 Protucana
Mi 10umi
Mi 10 Procmi
Mi 10 Lite Zoomvangogh
Mi 10 Litemonet
Mi 10 Ultracas
Mi 10Tapollo
Mi 10T Proapollopro
Mi 10T Litegauguin
Mi 10igauguinpro
Mi 10Sthyme
Mi 11venus
Mi 11 Litecourbet
Mi 11 Lite 5Grenoir
Mi 11Xaliothin
Mi 11 Prostar
Mi 11 Ultrastar
Mi 11ihaydnpro
Mi 11X Prohaydnin
Xiaomi Civimona
Xiaomi Civi 1Szijin
Xiaomi Civi 2ziyi
Xiaomi Civi 3yuechu
Xiaomi Pad 5nabu
Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 5Genuma
Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro Wi-Fielish
Xiaomi Pad 5 Pro 12.4dagu
Xiaomi Pad 6pipa
Xiaomi Pad 6 Max 14yudi
Xiaomi Pad 6 Proliuqin
Xiaomi Mi Mix Alphadraco
Xiaomi Mi Mixlithium
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2chiron
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2Spolaris
Xiaomi Mi Mix 3perseus
Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5Gandromeda
Xiaomi Mix 4odin
Xiaomi Mi MIX FOLDcetus
Xiaomi MIX FOLD 2zizhan
Xiaomi Mix Fold 3babylon
Xiaomi 11 Lite 5G NElisa
Xiaomi 11Tagate
Xiaomi 11T Provili
Xiaomi 11ipissarro
Xiaomi 11i HyperChargepissarropro
Xiaomi 12cupid
Xiaomi 12Xpsyche
Xiaomi 12 Prozeus
Xiaomi 12 Pro Dimensitydaumier
Xiaomi 12 Litetaoyao
Xiaomi 12Smayfly
Xiaomi 12S Prounicorn
Xiaomi 12S Ultrathor
Xiaomi 12Tplato
Xiaomi 12T Proditing
Xiaomi 13fuxi
Xiaomi 13Taristotle
Xiaomi 13T Procorot
Xiaomi 13 Pronuwa
Xiaomi 13 Liteziyi
Xiaomi 13 Ultraishtar
Xiaomi 14houji
Xiaomi 14 Proshennong
Xiaomi 14 Ultraaurora

Xiaomi Redmi Codenames [Redmi, Redmi Note & Redmi K Series]

Xiaomi Redmi Number Series Codenames

Redmi 1HM2013023
Redmi 1Sarmani
Redmi 1S 4G2014501
Redmi 2wt88047
Redmi 2Alte26007
Redmi 2A Enhanced Editionhermes
Redmi 2 Primewt88047
Redmi 3ido
Redmi 3 Primeido
Redmi 3Sland
Redmi 3Xland
Redmi 3S Primeland
Redmi Proomega
Redmi 4Arolex
Redmi 4prada
Redmi 4 Pro/Primemarkw
Redmi 4Xsantoni
Redmi 4 (India)santoni
Redmi 5Ariva
Redmi 5rosy
Redmi 5 Plusvince
Redmi S2ysl
Redmi Y2ysl
Redmi 6cereus
Redmi 6Acactus
Redmi 6 Prosakura
Redmi Gotiare
Redmi 7onclite
Redmi Y3onc
Redmi 7Apine
Redmi 8Aolivelite
Redmi 8olive
Redmi 8A Dualolivewood
Redmi 9, POCO M2lancelot
Redmi 9Adandelion
Redmi 9 Primelancelot
Redmi 9Cangelica
Redmi 9C NFCangelican
Redmi 9 (India)cattail
Redmi 9ATdandelion
Redmi 9idandelion
Redmi 9 Powerlime
Redmi 9Tlime
Redmi 9T (NFC)lemon
Redmi 9T (Latin America)pomelo
Redmi 9A Sportdandelion
Redmi 9i Sportdandelion
Redmi 9 Activcattail
Redmi 10X 4Gmerlin
Redmi 10X 5Gatom
Redmi 10X Pro 5Gbomb
Redmi 10selene
Redmi 10 Primeselene
Redmi 10Cfog
Redmi 10 (India)fog
Redmi 10Adandelion
Redmi 10 Powerfog
Redmi 10 2022selenes
Redmi 10 Prime 2022selenes
Redmi 10A Sportdandelion
Redmi 10 5Glight
Redmi 11 Primerock
Redmi 11 Prime 5Glight
Redmi 12Cearth
Redmi 12fire
Redmi 12 5GSky
Redmi 13CAir

Xiaomi Redmi Note Series Codenames: Check Xiaomi Codenames

Redmi Notelcsh92 wet jb9
Redmi Note 4Gdior
Redmi Note 1S 4Ggucci
Redmi Note Primegucci
Redmi Note 2hermes
Redmi Note 2 Primehermes
Redmi Note 3 (MediaTek)henessy
Redmi Note 3 Prokenzo
Redmi Note 3 (Snapdragon)kenzo
Redmi Note 3 High/Special Editionkate
Redmi Note 4 (MediaTek)nikel
Redmi Note 4 (Snapdragon)mido
Redmi Note 4Xmido
Redmi Note 5A Primeugg
Redmi Note 5Augglite
Redmi Note 5 (India)vince
Redmi Note 5 Prowhyred
Redmi Note 5 AI Dual Camerawhyred
Redmi Note 6 Protulip
Redmi Note 7lavender
Redmi Note 7 (India)lavenderin
Redmi Note 7 Proviolet
Redmi Note 7Slavender
Redmi Note 8ginkgo
Redmi Note 8 Probegonia
Redmi Note 8T With NFCwillow
Redmi Note 8 2021biloba
Redmi Note 9 Pro (India)curtana
Redmi Note 9Scurtana
Redmi Note 9 Projoyeuse
Redmi Note 9 Pro Maxexcalibur
Redmi Note 9merlin
Redmi Note 9 4Glime
Redmi Note 9 5Gcannon
Redmi Note 9 Pro 5Ggauguin
Redmi Note 9Tcannong
Redmi Note 10mojito
Redmi Note 10 Pro (India)sweetin
Redmi Note 10 Pro Maxsweetin_pro
Redmi Note 10 Prosweetpro
Redmi Note 10Srosemary
Redmi Note 10 5Gcamellian
Redmi Note 10 Prochopin
Redmi Note 10T 5Gcamellia
Redmi Note 10 JEiris
Redmi Note 10 Litecurtana
Redmi Note 10T (Japan)iris
Redmi Note 11 Pro (China)pissarro
Redmi Note 11 Pro+ 5Gpissarropro
Redmi Note 11 4Gselenes
Redmi Note 11T 5Gevergo
Redmi Note 11spes
Redmi Note 11 5Gevergreen
Redmi Note 11 (NFC)spesn
Redmi Note 11Sfleur
Redmi Note 11 Proviva
Redmi Note 11 Pro 5Gveux
Redmi Note 11 Pro+ 5G (India)peux
Redmi Note 11E Proveux
Redmi Note 11Elight
Redmi Note 11S 5Gopal
Redmi Note 11SEcamellia
Redmi Note 11T Proxaga
Redmi Note 11T Pro+xagapro
Redmi Note 11 SE (India)rosemary
Redmi Note 11Rlightcm
Redmi Note 12 5G (China)sunstone
Redmi Note 12 Pro 5Gruby
Redmi Note 12 Pro+rubyplus
Redmi Note 12 Discoveryrubypro
Redmi Note 12 Pro Speedredwood
Redmi Note 12 5Gsunstone
Redmi Note 12tapas
Redmi Note 12 (NFC)topaz
Redmi Note 12Ssea
Redmi Note 12 Turbomarble
Redmi Note 12 Prosweet_k6a
Redmi Note 12R Prosunstone
Redmi Note 12T Propearl
Redmi Note 12Rsky
Redmi Note 13 5Ggold
Redmi Note 13 Progarnet
Redmi Note 13 Pro+zircon

Xiaomi Redmi K Series: Check Xiaomi Codenames

Redmi K20davinci
Redmi K20 Proraphael
Redmi K20 Pro Premiumraphael
Redmi K30phoenix
Redmi K30 5Gpicasso
Redmi K30 Prolmi
Redmi K30 Pro Zoomlmi
Redmi K30 5G Racingpicasso
Redmi K30i 5Gpicasso
Redmi K30 UltraCézanne
Redmi K30S Ultraapollo
Redmi K40alioth
Redmi K40 Prohaydn
Redmi K40 Pro+haydn
Redmi K40 Gamingares
Redmi K40Smunch
Redmi K50Gingres
Redmi K50rubens
Redmi K50 Promatisse
Redmi K50ixaga
Redmi K50 Ultraditing
Redmi K60Erembrandt
Redmi K60mondrian
Redmi K60 Ultracorot
Redmi K60 Prosocrates
Redmi A1ice
Redmi A1+ice
Redmi A2water
Redmi Padyunluo
Redmi Pad SExun

Xiaomi POCO Codenames [POCO Phones]: Check Xiaomi Codenames

POCO F1beryllium
POCO F2 Prolmi
POCO F3alioth
POCO F3 GTares
POCO F4 GTingres
POCO F4munch
POCO F5marble
POCO F5 Promondrian
POCO X2phoenixin
POCO X3 (India)karna
POCO X3 NFCsurya
POCO X3 Pro (Global)vayu
POCO X3 Pro (India)bhima
POCO X3 GTchopin
POCO X4 Pro 5Gveux
POCO X4 Pro 5G (India)peux
POCO X4 GTxaga
POCO X5 5Gmoonstone
POCO X5 Pro 5Gredwood
POCO M2 Program
POCO M2shiva
POCO M2 Reloadedshiva
POCO M3citrus
POCO M3 Pro 5Gcamellia
POCO M4 Pro 5Gevergreen
POCO M4 Profleur
POCO M4 5Glight
POCO M5rock
POCO M5srosemary_p
POCO M6 Prosky
POCO C3angelicain
POCO C31angelicain
POCO C40frost
POCO C50ice
POCO C55earth
POCO C51water


That’s all about the tutorial on how to check Xiaomi codenames. Basically, we have tried to include the codename of all Xiaomi phones here. We have focused on providing the complete list of All Xiaomi [MI, Redmi, and POCO] phone codenames.

FAQ for Xiaomi Codenames

What is the code name of MI 9T?

The code name of MI 9T is davinci.

What is the code name of MI 7A?

The code name of Redmi 7A is pine.

What is the code name of redmi Note 11?

Redmi Note 11 4G code name is selenes & Redmi Note 11 5G is evergreen.

What is the code name of Xiaomi 13T pro?

The code name of Xiaomi 13T Pro is corot.

What is the code name of Xiaomi 13 Ultra?

The code name of Xiaomi 13 Ultra is Ishtar.


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